Junior/Senior Sections

The 2023-2024 IMM Jr/Sr recitals will be held in-person at Geist Christian Church 8550 Mud Creek Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46256.  The Jr/Sr Executive Board voted to hold the recitals in the morning at the following times Junior-10:00 AM and Senior-11:15 AM. Please note, if participation is low on one of the recitals the recitals for that month will be combined and begin at the Junior time 10:00 AM. Please inform parents and students of these changes. Recital announcements will be sent one month prior to the recital date.

A teacher must be a member of Indianapolis Matinee Musicale to register students for the recitals and scholarship auditions.  Registration for recitals remain the same, teachers are to send the student recital information to the host and student membership fee to David B Mannell.  Please review the Jr/Sr Standing Rules and guidelines which are sent with each month’s recital announcement.  Teachers are asked to adhere to the time limits for their students. 

New student membership applications will now be submitted online, the link to that form is found in the Standing Rules document.  Student membership fee must be received prior to the recital and is to be sent by the teacher to David B Mannell. All recital rules, guidelines, and requirements remain the same, please review the standing rules document.

Recital Host and Dates:


Oct 14, 2023  Barbara Agresti

Nov. 18, 2023  Michael Hughey

Jan. 13, 2024 Rebecca O’Connor

Feb. 10, 2024 Robert Goodlett

March 16, 2024 Colleen Davis

April 13, 2024 Terry Langdon

SENIOR (Grades 9th-12th) SECTION

Oct. 14, 2023 Barbara Agresti

Nov. 18, 2023 Michael Hughey

Jan. 13, 2024 Rebecca O’Connor

Feb. 10. 2024 Kurt Fowler

March 16, 2024 Karri York

April 13, 2024 Phoenix Park-Kim

IMM Jr/Sr Scholarship Auditions

IMM Jr/Sr Scholarship Auditions

The 2023-2024 Scholarship auditions will be held in person at the IUPUI campus, Department of Music, and Arts Technology 535 W Michigan St., 46202, On Sunday May 5, 2024.   The software, Audtionware will be used again for registration.  Teachers will be required to complete the registration for each student and submit that information into the Auditonware.  Performance schedule will be set, and students will perform in person. Detailed information and timeline will be sent the first of the year. The Jr/Sr section rules, guidelines and registration fees for the scholarship auditions will remain the same.  Registration fee is $10.00 per student per category registered.  For those doing the Special Categories  (P,PP,Q,QQ,R,RR) or Blazer/Moore Senior Awards in addition to their required category and additional $10.00 is required. 

Parking will be in the Gateway Parking garage 525 N Blackford St, Indianapolis, IN 46202. A parking fee will apply.  

Questions: please contact Jr/Sr Chair David B Mannell- [email protected]